Meet Kevin


                 THE FORMAL "BIO"

Kevin McIntyre is an international conference, collegiate, private sector speaker, and a professional development trainer with over 25 years of experience. He currently serves as a part-time professor of business communication at one of the largest universities in Georgia and is a visiting lecturer at other universities in the U.S.  

He is an established conference and collegiate speaker with clients coming from over 50 of the Fortune 500, some of the largest non-profits and Universities. His speaking engagements draw from “The Business Wise Collection” and the workshops through “The WellSpoken Framework,” a professional development communication program focusing on transforming business leaders' and high-potentials' communication skills, igniting an enhanced ability to optimize business results.

As a coach and dynamic speaker, he is dedicated to helping professionals find their authentic voice, portraying a powerful presence and engaging speaking style. 



Short Story

Early in college, Kevin experienced the pain of failure in public speaking. He froze while trying to give his first speech in the speech class. This experience caused him to find a way to not only to be calm when speaking but also become a speaker audiences enjoyed listening to and learning from. 

He has dedicated much of the last six years of his professional life to developing his client's communication skills. 

To date, he has conducted workshops and interactive speech training for over 6,000 professionals.